Sustainability at Penticton Foundry
May 7, 2024
onSustainability Policies
At Penticton Foundry we integrate sustainability into our overall operations and everyday practice. Our goal, fundamentally, is to meet the needs of the present, while contributing to an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable future. In order to do so, we have focused our efforts in areas where we believe we can make a significant impact.

Goal: Maintain status as an industry recycler
- Where possible, use scrap materials in our production process
- Offer innovative solutions to our customers that prioritize reducing, reusing and recycling
- For example, our FOR-CAST ARMOURED PIPE® can be rebuilt using the existing steel pipe and fittings. We also re-melt high chrome white iron scrap to produce the new FOR-CAST ARMOURED PIPE® liners
- Mining – High chrome white iron liners used in the mining industry can be sent back to make new liners, and we re-melt many of their old pump casings and impellers as well
- We have chosen to specialize in high chrome white iron castings, which have much greater abrasion resistance than other options. This means that they will last longer, reducing waste. More importantly, as illustrated in the example above, chrome white iron can be recycled/re-used, while some other options, such as rubber, are much more difficult to recycle
Read: This article explains best recycling, reducing, repairing and reusing practices for ductile iron.
Reduction of Energy Use and Minimizing Carbon Footprint
Goal: Implement policies, and install equipment, that reduce energy use and resource consumption
- Ensure that all iron is produced according to Canadian environmental standards
- Source materials from North America – specifically we consume over 3,000,000 pounds of scrap metal per year – imagine if it was sourced from overseas, or processed somewhere else, and then shipped to us
- Produce our castings and products in-house as a “one-stop” foundry - versus buying castings offshore and re-selling to our clients
- Our manufacturing process does not require water
- Our primary energy consumption is from hydroelectricity which is used to power our induction melting furnaces
- Induction melting does not produce hazardous emissions, produce carbon dioxide or consume fossil fuels

Reduction of Emissions
Goal: Pursue production approaches that reduce emissions
- As stated above, our induction melting furnaces do not produce carbon dioxide, or hazardous emissions.
- Induction melting is considered a green technology. The alternative, which we do not use, is a cupola furnace. Cupola furnaces are known to produce significant amounts of carbon dioxide due to the combustion of carbon-based fuels such as coal
- We collect the waste that is produced from the sand we use in our processes in 7 filter bag houses and responsibly dispose of the dust at our local landfill – improves air quality inside and outside of the plant
At Penticton Foundry we are committed to continuous improvement. We work with our team to make sustainability both personally and professionally relevant. We actively research ways to reuse waste within our processes, and with our vendors. We invest in new technology that drives us towards increased sustainability. We believe that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive, and that brought together, result in a vibrant, successful business.
Read: To learn more about chrome white iron, check out our chrome white iron webpage